
Showing posts from April, 2012


                         HTML (HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE) HTML Definition: - It is stand for Hyper Text Markup Language. Html is use to design and developer web page. Html is invented by Tim Burner Le in 1980. Note: - The Full Form of Html is                    H: - Hyper   (flexible)                    T: - Text (text)                    M: - Markup                    L: - Language In 1969 for computer was committed. Invented in us defiance Academy.   In 1980’s Tim Burner Le Invented.   Http:- protocol   Tcp: - protocol    Ip: - protocol Protocol: - protocol is setup instruction or information.   Http:- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.   Tcp: - Transmission Control protocol.    Ip: - Internet protocol. Tag: - Tag is group of instruction                    It is encode with “<”   and    “>”   open angle and close imgle   Attributes: -    Protocol of tag are called Typs of tag:- 1.     Open Tag (singular tag) 2.